Who we are
Regional Hubs
Thematic Hubs
Living Labs
Women Initiative
E-Mobility Policy Advice Paper for the Ministry of Works and Transport in Tanzania
J. A. Owigar, M. E. Manyasa, S. Byabato, J. Bosch, P. Ombati, A. Richter, E. Martin
E-Bike Share: Planning and Implementation
Stanley Chanzu, Maureen Kinyua, Christopher Kost,
Gashaw Abera and Rafik Yani, ITDP
Policy Advice Paper: Framework for the implementation of a LEV System for Urban Logistics
Alicia Martínez de Yuso, Milos Milenkovic, María
Rosa Muñoz B., Constanza Urbina
Policy Advice Paper: Charging Infrastructure in Kathmandu
Bijay Thapa, Shritu Shrestha, Emilie Martin
The Other Side of the (Policy) Coin: Analyzing Exnovation Policies for the Urban Mobility Transition in Eight Cities around the Globe
L. Graaf, S. Werland, O. Lah et. al.
Index for Sustainable Public Transport Evaluation
Alexandra Velasco
Urban Pathways
User Needs Assessment
Hamburg, Madrid, Quito, Montevideo, Pasig, Hanoi, Kathmandu, Kigali, Dar es Salaam
SOL+ Team
Urban Services and Technology
Habitat III Policy Papers
Opportunities coming by using Automotive Components in L Category
Regional Light Electric Vehicle Guidelines for Southeast Asia
S. Shrestha, K. Pranawengkapti,
S. Werland
Cities supporting the expansion of Light Electric Vehicles
Lamuela Orta, Carlos; Wallius, Eetu.
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Policy Advice Paper: E-Paratransit
Integration is Key:
The Role of Electric Mobility for Low-Carbon and Sustainable Cities
Major Bus Manufacturers - An Overview of their Flagship Models
The Transformative Potential of Urban River Restauration for Low Carbon Urban Development
Kennedy Wamukuru
Local-Level Measures to Enhance Electric Vehicle Access
Sandra Wappelhorst (ICCT)
Policy Advice Paper: Regulations for Light Electric Vehicles
M. R. Muñoz B., J. Carriquiry, L. Saavedra, C. Urbina, E. Romero, M. Mammetti, C. Rodríguez Santin, E. Soriano, A. Rizian, S. Galarza
Capacity and market potential for local production and distribution of electric two-wheelers in southeast asia
H. J. Kim, S. Shrestha,
K. Pranawengkapti
Pre-feasibility assessment for Mobility as a Service (MaaS) implementation in Kathmandu
Anders Ortving (DTU) Mads Brodthagen (DTU) George Panagakos (DTU) Michael Bruhn Barfod (DTU)
Global Policy Framework Paper
Itzel Garcia Mejia, Oliver Lah, Adriana Marchiori Silva, Stefanie Holzwarth, Diego Rybski​
Modelling Air Quality to Support the Decision-Making of Urban Leaders in Kigali, Kathmandu and Quito
University of Helsinki
High impact, low-cost sensors and citizen science for urban air quality manageme
Center for Global Equality, Open Seneca