Who we are
Regional Hubs
Thematic Hubs
Living Labs
Women Initiative
Eco Zonas
Una aproximación para co-diseñar, escalar
y replicar la acción climática a nivel barrial
Wuppertal Institute
WRI Mexico
Scale-up Concept Note Buenos Aires
M. Rizian
Living Labs Update: Montevideo
H. Ju Kim, S. Shrestha, K. Pranawengkapti
Impact Assessment Results: Quito
E. Wallius, E. Aittoniemi, C. Lamuela Orta, G. Lopez, M.R. Munoz, ,L. Saavedra, M. Perttinen, A. Silla, G. Torrao, A. Tuominen
Promoting safe school environments in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
World Resource Institute
Urban Pathways
Economic Viability for Electric Buses in Two Corridors in Quito and Montevideo
Alexandra Velasco
EV Readiness Assessment Ibagué
Edmund Teko
EV Readiness Assessment Belo Horizonte
Maria Rosa Munoz Barriga
Eco Zones
An approach for co-designing, scaling up and replicating action at the neighbourhood level
Scale-up Concept Note Tembici
M. R. Muñoz B., M. Argerich, G. López, L. Saavedra
Living Labs Update: Quito
Uptake of EV in urban areas of Uruguay
Federico Calvello
Scenarios of Potential reduction of emissions by different bus technologies - Case Study of Quito and Montevideo
Pilot Project Concept
Safe journey to school. Promoting active mobility of adolescents
Itzel Mejia, M.R. Munoz Barriga
EV Readiness Assessment Quito
Scoping Paper: Fahrradstrasse 30 Zone
Scale-up Concept Note Bogota
SOLUTIONSplus Partner
Scale-up Concept Note Ecuador/Quito
Impact Assessment Results: Montevideo
E. Wallius, E. Aittoniemi, C. Lamuela Orta, J. Carriquiry M.R. Munoz, M. Perttinen, A. Silla, G. Torrao, A. Tuominen
Evaluation Model for Public Transport System in Latin American Cities in the Context of the NUMPS in Uruguay and Ecuador
Design Proposal Montevideo - Ciudadela 2.0
Philipp Misselwitz, Jakub Galuzska, Oliver Lah, Björn Langer, Pia Schauder
Policy Environment Paper
NDC Summary
M.R. Munoz Barriga, M. Arioli, S. Shrestha, S. Werland