Bringing together relevant stakeholders working on safe system policies for good practice exchange in African countries.
Road traffic injury death rates are high in Africa. There is an urgent need to implement moreprogressive safety solutions. TRANS-SAFE is an EU funded project aiming to maximise impact of these solutions by bringing road safety agencies and experts from Europe and Africa to support transformative policy actions.
Peer learning to support road safety management
Peer learning and knowledge sharing is central for road safety management. With the objective to support professionals from national and subnational administrations and relevant stakeholders in Africa in building professional and administrative expertise for roadsafety, Trans-Safe is launching the regional peer-learning networks.
The regional networks are designed to provide a platform for best practice exchange and knowledge sharing between experts in the region. In 2023, the regional peer learning networks will organise a series of thematic working sessions, where regional peers will come together in working groups to share experiences and discuss on good practices and challenges in the implementation of road safety.
Proposed topics for the thematic working sessions build on the five pillars of the safe systemapproach as described in the World Health Organisation Global Action Plan for Road Safety:
Pillar 1: Multimodal transport and land-use planning
Pillar 2: safe road infrastructure
Pillar 3: safe vehicles
Pillar 4: safe road users
Pillar 5: post-crash response.
Transversal topics: financing, legal frameworks, speed management and gender perspectives
Selection of topics will be based on the needs of participants and thematic sessions will takethe form of virtual roundtables discussions or interactive workshops designed for sharing experiences. During the sessions, it is expected that peers contribute with input presentations using case studies as references for discussing the reality of local challenges and solutions. Thematic working sessions will have contributions from guest speakers providing additional knowledge and expertise.
Do you want to be part of the peer learning networks?
The Trans-Safe project is keen on identifying relevant experts and stakeholders that want to be part of the peer learning networks. The networks are free to join and open to experts andprofessionals from national and subnational administrations, regional institutions, national road safety agencies, road building authorities, medical professionals and enforcement agencies working in road safety in Africa. Register by responding to the contact form.
To find out more about TRANS-SAFE peer learning network please email us at:
